CrispE's Articles In Current Events
July 5, 2004 by CrispE
I reviewed Fahrenheit 9/11 last Friday and you may wish to read that blog before this one. The people of the United States are good, decent human beings who over 225 years ago embarked on a great experiment in government and society untried in human history. It was an experiment based on the premise that every part of government would provide a "check and balance" to every other part so that only laws and regulations that all 3 parts would agree upon could become law and part of soc...
July 23, 2004 by CrispE
The U.S. press doesn't it discuss it very often or loudly (page 4) but the situation in Afghanistan is deteriorating rapidly to the point that the only area that the NATO-American forces control is the capital. Historically, the warlords in the country have a siege mentality of waiting foreign occupiers out (for example: Russia) and are in no hurry to pick a side between the muslim extremists (the Taliban) and the westerners who want to say they are in control of the country. But growing ev...
August 23, 2004 by CrispE
Several writers on JU have talked about why we should destroy the Imam Ali Mosque. They argue that it is a symbol of Iraqi and Muslim hatred for Americans and if it were destroyed it would tell the muslims that we meant business and would not tolerate this form of "gun and run" destruction. Others site the lack of commitment (including myself) to the war effort in Iraq, the parallels to Viet Nam and the lack of will of the United States to do "what is necessary" to win the peace. However, ...
August 21, 2004 by CrispE
The Nasdaq finished the day down 26 points to finish at 943 as more investors fled to the sidelines after yesterday's 8 point rally. Volume was considered light as less than 1.2 billion shares traded. The Dow finished down 75 to 7224 and the S&P was down 7 to 648. Volume on the New York Exchange was 930 million shares. The Kerry administration said again today that the tax on gasoline could not reasonably be lowered to give relief to the current level of $3.15 (average) that drivers ...
September 10, 2004 by CrispE
America is living in the middle of an information age. As a market analyst I see numbers thrown around from the moment I get up until the moment I go to bed (please call before 2 AM). We try to make sense of the numbers by using statistics to plot graphs and charts so that we can "wade" through the numbers without becoming "numb" and often this is a very useful tool for making sense of the overload. However, we often try to apply reasoning to numbers that is not valid and we now are in the...